How to Improve Your Social Media Experience

Social media is a time suck.

So why don’t we all just delete it?

You hear people frequently talking about how much they hate social media, want to get off of it, or some form of the same.

Yet, we all keep coming back to it. Why??

Because we're aware of its value…

Especially if you are an entrepreneur or someone who is building a brand, whether personal or professional, you know just how vital social media can be to your success.

Is it essential? No.

But, neither is sex and it makes life a lot better doesn’t it? 😉

In all seriousness, building a brand through social media is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to connect and grow with your target market.

This provides you with a better opportunity to do what a brand is really about: building trust. 🤝

Through that trust, you can then build relationships with your ideal client/customer, leading to more sales.

Makes social media sound a bit better, huh?

“That’s great Jake, but where do I start?”

Here are my top 3 tips for putting out better content:

  1. Write out your goals with social media.

A few questions to get you started:

👉What do you want to achieve through social media?

👉How often and what do you want to post?

👉Who is your target audience and what platform(s) are they most active on?

2. Build content systems.

As James Clear said, “…you fall to the level of your systems.” If you hope to just wake up and post every day, it’s probably not going to happen. To make your content production and distribution as seamless and efficient as possible, you need a good system in place.

Personally, my top choices are Notion , Hypefury, and Typeshare for my content system.

Notion 👉 Planning

Hypefury 👉 Scheduling

Typeshare 👉 Templates

These programs allow me to create, plan, and schedule with ease.

🔑 Key Takeaway: A good system reduces friction.

3. Be consistent yet patient.

These things take time and seeking virality isn’t worth it.

Instead, establish a cult-like following (not an actual cult, I’m looking at you Jared Leto) and build trust with them. Show them how you solve a problem they have and once you do, that trust will naturally convert to sales.


Social media is valuable, especially for building a brand

Write out your social media goals

Build content systems

Be consistent yet patient

Virality isn’t the answer


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