Why You’re Using Media Wrong (and how to fix it!)

You’re probably using media wrong.

Okay wait - before you get all defensive about how you have a great system, post everyday, and produce amazing content, let me explain.

Most people know that some sort of media is essential to your success as a brand, yet where many of those same people fail is in recognizing both what kind of media will suit them best and how/where to distribute it.

Don’t be like these people.

You’ve likely heard the saying, “Work harder, not smarter”, right? Think about it, what good is running as fast as you can and working your tail off, if you’re headed in the wrong direction?

Just because you’re doing what seems right, doesn’t mean it is.

You need to be making the right decisions to ensure that you’re actually headed in the right direction. If you want to achieve success, you need to be moving towards it, not away from it.

For example, imagine you’re driving somewhere you’ve never been before. Being the confident, daring person you are, you decide to try and drive there without following any directions. As you’re driving, you take all of the turns and streets that feel right and you fully believe you’re headed in the right direction. Eventually, you find yourself sitting at a red light and about halfway through your favorite car jams playlist. Just for some reassurance, you pull out your GPS and check your location. To your surprise, you are MILES AWAY from your destination.

But, how? You followed what felt right. You did what the other cars were doing. You maybe drove a few extra over the speed limit to ensure you were a little early, following the sage wisdom of your dad’s voice echoing in the back of your head saying, “If you aren’t ten minutes early, then dammit son, you’re late.”

You followed what seemed to be the right steps, but you still wound up even further away from your destination than you started.

Remember the aforementioned “most people” we discussed at the beginning of this article? Unfortunately, this is their reality with media, content, and growing their brand.

They think they’re doing everything right. They’re following everything the self-proclaimed “experts” on Instagram say to do. Yet, despite their relentless efforts, the results just aren’t there. As a result, many of them quit too soon and find their dreams dying, along with their self esteem.

Don’t let that be you.

At Jake Allen Media, we are determined to save your dreams through helping you communicate effectively and establish trust with your audience, clients, and customers, to ultimately be a catalyst in the growth of your brand.

We offer a variety of quality media services including graphic design, branding, photography, consultation, and more. For more information, click here and we will be happy to assist you with your media needs.

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